"An Inner Monologue: The Words of a Young Poet"
"Set as a compilation of poems and short stories, this book depicts the life of a young (Black) poet and how he views the world around him."
"A Walk Down Academic Row"
"Serving as a collection of poems and poetic prose that were written over the course of four years, this book illustrates the multitude of emotions I had as a college student..."
"Evolving Image"
"If life were a canvas, then we’d be the painting—always and forever evolving, are we, the image." … This short collection of spoken word poetry is just as much for (and about) me as it is for (and about) you: the lover, the dreamer, the flawed, the misunderstood—the image that is still evolving.
Paperback Version: www.lulu.com/shop/marc-d-johnson-jr/evolving-image/paperback/product-5n8vvd.html?q=evolving+image&page=1&pageSize=4
eBook Version: www.lulu.com/shop/marc-d-johnson-jr/evolving-image/ebook/product-zjrjed.html?q=&page=1&pageSize=4
eBook Version: www.lulu.com/shop/marc-d-johnson-jr/evolving-image/ebook/product-zjrjed.html?q=&page=1&pageSize=4
"Burning Sage"
"These poems are the result of having been submerged in flames.
Losing my Uncle. Facing my first heartbreak. Adjusting to adulthood...
Finding these words cleansed my open wounds.
Shaping these words empowered me to embrace myself anew.
Sharing these words… heals.
May these poems inspire you to a similar journey."